AWS Lambda + API Gateway Adapter
AWS Lambda adapter
The AWS Lambda adapter is supported for API Gateway Rest API(v1) and HTTP API(v2) use cases.
requires the router to work on a single API Gateway Resource (as shown in the example). If you'd like to have a Resource per procedure, you can use thehttpLink
instead (more info).
Example app
Description | Links |
API Gateway with NodeJS client. |
How to add tRPC
1. Install deps
yarn add @trpc/server
yarn add @trpc/server
2. Create a tRPC router
Implement your tRPC router. A sample router is given below:
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';import { z } from 'zod';export const t = initTRPC.create();const appRouter = t.router({getUser: t.procedure.input(z.string()).query((opts) => {opts.input; // stringreturn { id: opts.input, name: 'Bilbo' };}),});// export type definition of APIexport type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';import { z } from 'zod';export const t = initTRPC.create();const appRouter = t.router({getUser: t.procedure.input(z.string()).query((opts) => {opts.input; // stringreturn { id: opts.input, name: 'Bilbo' };}),});// export type definition of APIexport type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
3. Use the Amazon API Gateway adapter
tRPC includes an adapter for API Gateway out of the box. This adapter lets you run your routes through the API Gateway handler.
import { CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions, awsLambdaRequestHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/aws-lambda';const appRouter = /* ... */;// created for each requestconst createContext = ({event,context,}: CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEventV2>) => ({}) // no contexttype Context = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createContext>>;export const handler = awsLambdaRequestHandler({router: appRouter,createContext,})
import { CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions, awsLambdaRequestHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/aws-lambda';const appRouter = /* ... */;// created for each requestconst createContext = ({event,context,}: CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEventV2>) => ({}) // no contexttype Context = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createContext>>;export const handler = awsLambdaRequestHandler({router: appRouter,createContext,})
Build & deploy your code, now use your API Gateway URL to call your function.
Endpoint | HTTP URI |
getUser | GET https://<execution-api-link>/getUser?input=INPUT where INPUT is a URI-encoded JSON string. |
A word about payload format version
API Gateway has two different event data formats when it invokes a Lambda. For REST APIs they should be version "1.0"(APIGatewayProxyEvent
), but you can choose which for HTTP APIs by stating either version "1.0" or "2.0".
- Version 1.0:
- Version 2.0:
To infer what version you might have, supply the context as following:
function createContext({event,context,}: CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEvent>) {...}// CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEvent> or CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEventV2>
function createContext({event,context,}: CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEvent>) {...}// CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEvent> or CreateAWSLambdaContextOptions<APIGatewayProxyEventV2>